#stayinspired, Bible, Christian


In my article “Why I’m Not a Feminist in the 21st Century”, one of the main reasons I don’t support feminism is because feminism supports a message of selfishness and pride. What’s the opposite?


Kindness forces us to look out for other people rather than ourselves.

Kindness broadens our perspectives on life. If you’re looking to stop being close-minded, kindness to people who are different than you will help you understand other beliefs and ways of living better.

Kindness is a fruit of love, which is to be valued above all the other fruits of the spirit. (Corinthians 13.)

It doesn’t matter if you’re a bold, ENTJ type person like me or a naturally sweet and cheerful person—kindness is for everyone. There is no one way to be kind.

Kindness speaks the truth. Kindness warns people. Kindness encourages people. Kindness could even save someone’s life.

Kindness is one of the best ways of being a light for Jesus.

There is no excuse not to be kind.

There is one event I found called Live Lindsay’s Love. Live Lindsay’s Love is an event in August where participants must do one kind thing in Lindsay’s memory.

So if you’re looking for something kind to do today, one of my friends started a fundraiser for Ranch of Hope Reins. If this is something you would like to do, here’s the link!


2 thoughts on “Kindness”

  1. I hope your followers donate generously. Autumn, who created this fundraiser, did so in honor of the legacy of kindness my daughter Lindsay bequeathed to the world. My daughter is gone too soon but her compassion lives on in kind acts performed by others in her name.


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