#stayinspired, Bible, Christian

Yes, Pain is a Gift

Suffering and pain are not good things, first of all. Not what God intended. Suffering and pain are a result of our sin (Genesis 3). Yet life is full of it.

However, does this stop God from working through sin?

Not at all!

I read Candles in the Darkness by Amy Carmichael and saw one particular part where she spoke of a person who had never undergone any kind of pain. That person could not comfort or relate to others. Pain is a way that we can relate to all people–a language we all know.

Suffering produces character. If we had not gone through any kind of pain, we wouldn’t be the people we are now.

Pain helps us rely on God more: God, the only one who can relieve us. During pain, we can either turn bitter and ungrateful or trust in God that He is working things together for good.

When we go through hard times, God is crafting our story. We can have a story that could change lives, because everyone can relate to pain, we have persevered, and we have experience. How could someone who had never felt any pain or sadness have a story that impacted others?

Like us, God prefers not 4 but 2+2.

Transformation. Redemption.

As deep down as you are in pain or sin, He can work through that. Sin does not stop him.

How great a God, that He has even worked through pain, even been in pain Himself, so

He knows.

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