#stayinspired, Bible, Christian, life

This Christmas

This Christmas —

I’ll be honest. I’m feeling stressed, overworked, anxious, nervous. It’s a stark contrast to last year–last year I had an Excel sheet gift list, gave everyone their gifts by December 11, made bags of homemade hot chocolate for people, had all my blog articles written, Christmas playlist on point, house decorated.

This year, we’re approaching December 11. I haven’t made a single present.

So this year, I feel like I have to let go of that clawing anxiety, accept that it’s not going to be perfect, and stop being a Christmaszilla.

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” 

God commands us not to worry about food and clothes–life’s necessities. How much more should we not worry about things like Christmas!

There is a something in my life–I’m not sure if it’s how you feel–to feel like love is something that can be exchanged, bought, paid for.

My friends have been amazing and loyal and more than I could ever deserve, so I have to paint homemade bookmarks and make cookies so they know that I love them. I wanted to express my appreciation to someone in my life and I was asked, “Are you spending more money on them than your father?”

That comment unsettled me. Revealed a little bit of what’s in my own heart. It made me realize: just because  I love my father means I have to show him I love him by getting gifts with huge price tags. It unsettled me, because love isn’t a thing that can be bought and paid for, even though Satan’s trying to lie and tell me that. Just because I love someone doesn’t mean I have to spend lots of money on them so they know.

It’s a damaging pattern to think that way, and it’s also an easy trap to fall into.

So this season, remember these things:

  1. Be thankful. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
  2. Remember to love the Giver more than the Gift.
  3. Remember also that people you will love you more than your gift. Don’t give reluctantly or out of compulsion, but out of love.

Most of all, don’t slave away trying to find the perfect gift for someone this season. Simply do what you love to do for the people you love. Pray for God’s peace and know that He’ll provide. He is the reason for the season–so let’s not forget about Him.

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